What do the Experts Say About Energy

Energy Medicine Experts and Resources

  1. Leonard A. Wisneski and Lucy Anderson wrote the book, The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine, which bridges the gap between scientific Western medicine and energy-based Eastern medicine. Click here to learn more about what they say about the science behind the mind-body connection and energy healing. The book explains that you have energy within your body systems and in the space outside your body. A quote from the book that shares the importance of energy in regards to our wellbeing: We humans are a complex melding of thought, emotion, spirit and energy and each of those components is as critical to our well-being as our physiological status. Even if we are beginning to quantify and document these seemingly intangible aspects, to ignore them in the practice of medicine is neglect and an invitation to harm.” -The Scientific Basis of Integrative Medicine.
  2. Bruce Lipton, a best-selling author, scientist, and biologist explains in his book, The Biology of Belief, that we are energy beings and communicate with energy. He says that each person has approximately 50 trillion cells in our body, and these cells are living entities. According to scientific sources, every cell has a negative voltage on the inside and a positive voltage on the outside, making them each a tiny battery with about .07 volts. When you multiply 50 trillion cells x .07V = you have between 3.5 trillion volts of electricity in your body. So in a sense, we are electric; we are energy, and others can feel your energy, which impacts how people respond to you. Lipton explains that the energy waves between humans, animals, and plants communicate with vibration. Vibration is measured in Hz, a frequency, as we discussed when we talked about Brue Tainio in the last section.
  3. In his book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself, best-selling author Joe Dispenza also teaches that all energy has a frequency. He agrees with the statement of Bruce Taino that disease shows up when you are vibrating at a lower frequency. The way to think about it, according to Dispenza, is that your thoughts, feelings, and emotions all have different weights to them. When you have positive thoughts, feelings, or emotions, you will feel lighter. ·      When you have negative thoughts or experiences, you will feel heavier, and your energy changes due to how you feel.
  4. In his book Vibrational Medicine, Dr. Richard Gerber includes references to clinical research showing that our thinking patterns have a profound effect on our body’s vibratory field. Quite literally, “energy flows where thought goes.” So, are your thoughts flowing to goodness or negativity? When you learn to tune into your thoughts and energy and move it from negative to positive, you experience better energy, resulting in greater health and more overall happiness.
  5. Turner Publishing: Talks about Everything is Energy, Everything is One, Everything is Possible.
  6. The National Library of Medicine and National Institute of Health has a great article on Energy Medicine, Current Status and Future Perspectives.

In a recent Global Wellness Summit, the primary focus was on Energy Medicine. The title was Energy Medicine Get's Serious. It was all about exploring a new force in health and healing. Both doctors and wellness practitioners are uncovering the potential of electromagnetic, light, and sound interventions to heal your "energy body." They talked about the modalities that have been used for thousands of years, effectively becoming more accepted in Western Medicine. You can learn more here.

"In every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."

-Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Biochemist and Nobel Prize Winner

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